
Showing posts from October, 2017

Defining the Anthropocene

The present blog will approach the largest issues currently faced by the environmental movement through the critical lens of political ecology. Using a combinatory analysis, drawing on present, past and (why not? even) future material from philosophy, the academia, art, environmentalism, popular culture and multiple other knowledge sources, this platform calls for the reader to be alert, curious, attentive, involved. Think we must. We must think. —Stengers and Despret, Women Who Make a Fuss A recurring theme of the blog will be the idea that the world’s biggest crises, the socioecological disaster we are facing, cannot be fixed unilaterally; it demands an interdisciplinary, collective, democratic grassroots involvement, commitment by each and every one of us. Feminist theorist Donna Haraway is asking us to ‘ Stay with the Trouble ’ and this is a call we may want to respond to and even amplify. Moving on to the first subject: Defining the Anthropocene. This ter